• Procesador - Desarrollado en base al microprocesador Intel Atom
  • DVI Video - incluyendo soporte para dos monitores
  • Resoluciones - hasta 1920x1200px (RB) @ 16M (32 bits) colores
  • Componentes: Chip PC Xcalibur Global XP Cliente, Microsoft WDS (de implementación de Windows Server), Altiris Deployment Solution soportado
  • Flexible - se ejecuta un amplio conjunto de clientes y aplicaciones de 32 bits
  • Personalizable - interfaz de escritorio y el sistema operativo modular
  • Plug-and-Play - Rápido, fácil instalación
  • Integridad de los datos - Datos centralizados de almacenamiento y copia de seguridad
  • Compact - Pesa  0,6 Kg., fácil de manejar.


Operating system:  eLux® RL - Embedded Linux

Notes: eLux® Reloaded is a Linux based embedded operating system, specially developed for
use in FUTRO to apply as thin clients in server-based environments.

Functions:  ICA-Client (incl. connection broker)
                 VMware View client (July 09)
                 RDP-Client functionality
                 Browser Mozilla, Opera or Firefox available
                 Acrobat Reader
                 Terminal emulations for ANSI, 97801, VT320
                 X.11 terminal application
                 Local SAP GUI
                 IBM 3270 / 5270, Fujitsu 9750 emulation
                 Virtual workplace support

Options available via customizing: Wireless LAN support
                                                          Remote administration
                                                          Printer support
                                                          VPN support
                                                          Firewall support

Manageability:  Flash memory management, Embedded operating system update and system monitoring,
                           Managing devices by location, group or user, Individual operating system composition with
                           ELIAS (only with eLux® RL)

VPN (Linux):   VPN client from Cisco (optional, provided by UniCon Software Development, license


Operating system:  Microsoft® Windows® XP Embedded

Notes: Windows XP Embedded is the modulated version of the desktop operating system
            Windows XP Professional, enabling development of reliable and full-featured connected
            All images can be updated via Server

Functions:  ICA-Client (incl. connection broker)
                   VMware View client (July 09)
                   Internet Explorer
                   Windows Installer
                   Thin Print Client
                   Acrobat Reader
                   Media Player
                   Altiris® Deployment Server™ client (optional possible on
                   512MB or 1GB Flash)
                   Virtual workplace support